Dashing difficult
Cecile Shanahan Cecile Shanahan

Dashing difficult

Dashes can be difficult. Read this blog post to find out when and how to use them to greater effect.

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Apostrophes - When and why do we use them?
Cecile Shanahan Cecile Shanahan

Apostrophes - When and why do we use them?

Not only are there different types of apostrophes (apostrophes of contraction and apostrophes of possession) but there’s also rules about where to put the apostrophe when your word ends in s and if it’s a plural noun you’re using. Phew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it so it’s no wonder people just leave them off altogether or put them in every time they write a word ending in ‘s’.

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Are we always in edit mode?
Cecile Shanahan Cecile Shanahan

Are we always in edit mode?

I posted a question on social media the other day asking what people wanted to know about editing/life as an editor. One response that came back has been rattling around in my brain for a while now (because I wonder if people think it about me regularly) so I thought I’d dedicate a little blog post to it.

The comment that has got me thinking was, ‘Does all bad writing make your blood boil?’ and I get why the question was posed. I mean once an editor, always an editor so it makes sense that I would be scanning everything I read for mistakes, right? Well yes but also no! Let me explain…

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