Are we always in edit mode?
I posted a question on social media the other day asking what people wanted to know about editing/life as an editor. One response that came back has been rattling around in my brain for a while now (because I wonder if people think it about me regularly) so I thought I’d dedicate a little blog post to it.
The comment that has got me thinking was, ‘Does all bad writing make your blood boil?’ and I get why the question was posed. I mean once an editor, always an editor so it makes sense that I would be scanning everything I read for mistakes, right? Well yes but also no! Let me explain…
Yes – Editing (or actually, it’d be more accurate to say proofreading) comes naturally to me. I can’t help but to check anything I read for mistakes. It’s been happening since I can remember and it’s not likely to stop any time soon. I do not take joy in finding errors in the writing of others, but I do take pride in helping others to put their best words forward. If I can help someone to change the idea they are communicating to be the best possible version of that idea that’s just the best feeling. I think it may be the teacher in me who will always enjoy sharing my expertise so that someone can improve their skillset as a result. Having said all that, I’m not one of those people who circles pages with mistakes and sends them back to the author/publisher or posts about it on social media for the world to see and laugh. I realise that my education, training and now role as an editor is one of extreme privilege and I am always conscious of that. Not everyone has the means to employ an editor and a misspelled word here or there is not the downfall of civilisation as some would have us believe.
No – I’m human and I miss things too! When I am scrolling on social media late at night or reading on the beach on holidays or sharing messages and memes with friends, I am able to relax enough to switch my editor’s brain off and I do not read to spot errors. I do think, though, that first impressions count and if you are being introduced to someone new through a piece of writing that contains errors it may mean that they subconsciously let that alter their views on you or your ideas/work. That old adage about who cares so long as you’re trying is a great one in theory but in real life, unfortunately, how your ideas are expressed or presented can make a huge difference as to how you are perceived. I must say prescriptive text and spell checker programs have a lot to answer for too…I’m sure we aren’t all writing about shirts and ducks as much as our devices would have us think!
So that’s the long answer but the short one is…Editing is my job but I do not work 24/7 so please don’t think I’m ever passing judgement on your writing (unless you’ve asked me to)!